Friday, September 19, 2008

Made It Through Another Week

Well. We made it through another week!!! Only a few more before I get to come home for a visit...can't wait! :)
Ruby had to go in for her 1 year well check and a physical for daycare on Tuesday. She thought it was all pretty fun until she had to get her shots...then not so much fun. She had to get four shots Tuesday and has to go back in a month to get 5 more!!! :( My poor baby. But anyways...I had to take her back on Thursday b/c she has been starting to show signs that her reflux is coming back (probably outgrowing her medicine dosage). She was okay while we were sitting in the waiting room but wouldn't you just know it that the same nurse who gave her the shots on Tuesday was the same nurse who came to get her from the waiting room on Thursday. OH MY GOSH...Ruby just went completely ballistic. I have never seen her act that she just had a total flashback. She did NOT want that nurse touching her. She tried to crawl off of the countertop scale and screamed and writhed so much that the nurse never was able to get her length measured on the table. She calmed down again once we got into an exam room and the nurse left, but panicked all over again when the doctor came in. She was so upset that she tried to get out of the room and literally walked smack into the door and just bounced off of it. So that just helped matters so much more!! It was one of those moments that if you saw it on America's Funniest Home Videos, you would just die laughing but when it's your child you have to fight back the laughter and try to keep her calm. We were very happy when that appointment was over and hopefully she forgets about everything by next month!
We really haven't had very much excitement going on with anything else around here. It was a pretty tame week at school. Just a lot of note-taking. Next week will be the killer week! I have an exam in Psychology on Monday, a Lab Exam on Wednesday for A&P and a lecture exam on Friday for A&P. It just gets really difficult to get down to studying really hard having Mike and Ruby. I would much rather be spending that time with them playing that reading about the skeletal system or how our personalities are formed! But I know I have to just push through it...I want that job in three years and finally be able to get done and settle somewhere!! Mike is still liking his far. He seems to really be getting to know the guys he is working around and hasn't come home once yet complaining about work. Which is a far cry from his days at Sauders! So everything is going pretty well here other than missing home!!! Can't wait to be back in Ohio soon! Love everyone!

Mike, Al, and Ruby

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