Monday, September 15, 2008

Just Another Manic Monday

Hey hey! :) So, I wanted to get this post up today so that I could say I updated it twice in one week! haha Nobody can say I'm slacking then.
Everything is going pretty good our way right now. I had my first two big exams on this past Friday. One was for Nutrition and the other was in Anatomy and Physiology. I was pretty nervous and did a great job of psyching myself out all last week but got both scores back today and actually got an A on both tests! I cannot put into words my relief. It seems like the first tests always get me all worked up and then if I do good it just really reminds me that I can do this. Although I do need to work on my studying more instead of just cramming the night before the exams. It's so hard to justify studying time though when Ruby and Mike are out in the other room playing and I want to spend time with them so much more than sit in my room alone reading science books!!! It will all be worth the effort in about two and half years though! Just have to keep reminding myself of that.
Mike started his second week of work today and he is really enjoying it. On Wednesday of last week they started working overtime. He has been going into work from 5-3:30 every day except for Sunday, so he will have some major overtime on that first check. We can't wait to get it and feel secure money wise again. It's so scary to be in the in between stage with a little one. We just need to know that if anything happens we have to money to take care of her. Anyways, he is starting to get to know the other guys around him at work and seems to be really settling in nice there. He also was able to get into contact with some of his friends from when he lived here during middle school. He was really excited about that, plus it would be nice to know some other people around here that are our age. It has been, and probably will remain, hard for me to make friends with anyone at school. I am the only person in any of my classes with a kid and a husband. So while most of the other people I am in class with are worried more about going out and having fun I worry about just Mike and Ruby and getting my homework done! But I still have them at least so it will be okay!
I'll get to the good stuff though...I'm sure mostly everyone just wants to hear about how Ruby is doing! :) Our big 1 year old has been having a rough go of it lately. She hasn't been sleeping through the night pretty much since we got here and it is starting to wear on all three of us. I think a lot of it is stress. I know they say babies adjust quickly, but within the last month Ruby has had to leave everyone she knows to move to a different state and be with family she doesn't know as well, she started a new daycare, and had to move out of our room and into her own bedroom. If she's anything like me I'm sure it has stressed her out a little bit too. We are just trying to get her on a good schedule and make sure to give her lots of love to help her settle in some more. If any of you guys have any other advice for us please let me know with a comment or something. We're willing to give anything a shot if it means sleep!!! :)
Anyways...that is really all that is going on here. Oh by the way...I got my plane tickets to come home in October! I can't wait to see everyone!!! I am getting insanely homesick this last week. I think now that everything is settling down here, it has really set in that we moved and I can't just come home whenever I want. I try to keep myself busy whenever I know I'm going to have free time otherwise I end up moping around crying! So my trip in October will be well needed!!! I miss Ohio and my family!!! We love you guys so much!!!

Mike, Al, and Ruby

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