Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I PROMISE TO START POSTING MORE! :) every time I have talked to anyone from home they always ask if I'm going to put a new post up soon! We are finally getting settled into an actual schedule, so I should finally be able to keep up with this thing!! :)
Everything is going great here other than the fact that we miss home and everybody there! Mike got hired in at AGCO which is a big factory right across the street from our apartment. He starts on Monday and will be building combines and other farm machinery. Blake was completely amazed at this when we told him about it! Mike is really excited about it actually. He said it looks like a really fun (but still a tough) job. At least it won't just be standing on a pack line putting a part in a box all night. Plus, they said they have lots of overtime and they also have pretty great health insurance which is a big step up from Sauders. So Mike starts that job on Monday morning!
Ruby also gets to start her daycare on Monday. At first, every daycare we called was full and we got stuck trying to find a babysitter which I was not comfortable AT ALL with. I did not want to take my baby to some stranger who has like 10 kids running all over the place and can't keep a good eye on all of them. We just happened to notice a flyer at the Health Dept. when we went to update Ruby's shot record and called and they had ONE opening for Ruby's age group. So we drove over there and talked with them and I gave them my big sob story about how we just moved there and we didn't know anyone and really didn't want to take her to a babysitter. They called us back the next day and the director said even though there were a couple other people ahead of us on the wait list that they decided to give the spot to Ruby! YAY!! So we got to go meet her teachers and see where she will go yesterday. It is a really great facility and it has a tornado room which made grandma feel much better!! :)
I am almost through my second week of classes and am pretty content right now. It is hard to make friends since most of the people in my classes are 18 or 19 and have completely different lifestyles than I do anymore. Most of them are just worried about having fun and I'm worried about taking care of a family and getting done with school. I guess at least I won't be distracted from my classes that way.
We are having Ruby's first birthday party this Saturday!! It is completely insane that she is going to be one already!!! Oh yeah...and she is now walking all over the place!!! It makes her look so much bigger than when she was just crawling around. She also had her first big acident while walking. She fell a couple days ago and cracker her chin on a table leg and split it open. We almost ended up going to the hospital but I stopped bleeding pretty quickly and she didn't seem to be in a whole lot of pain. She'll probably just have a good scar. :(
The only other news I really have right now is that Ruby and I will be coming home from October 15-21. So hopefully we will get to see everyone and I will get to get a haircut!!! :) I miss my hairstylist!
I will try to get some more pictures uploaded onto the Flickr website soon and we are going to get family pictures done for Ruby's birthday tonight so i will post the website to look at those online soon too!
WE MISS EVERYONE SO MUCH!!! Can't wait to come home in October and see you all!!!
LOVE, Mike, Al, and Ruby

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