Tuesday, September 9, 2008

THE BIG 1!!!!

Well, just in case you can't figure it out from the title, Ruby is 1 today!!! Unbelievable!! It seems like just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital and now here we are a year later and in a completely different state! We had Ruby's birthday party this past Saturday and everything turned out great. I will post some pictures on the Flickr website at some point. The only pictures I have are of the cake! Mike took all videos and no pictures, so I am going to have to get some pictures from Mike's parents.
Ruby was off to her second day of daycare this morning. They were going to celebrate her birthday at snack time with cookies and little hats! :) She absolutely loves it there! She had no problem with us leaving her yesterday (it was her first day!), she just took off to play with the other kids and wouldn't even come back for a hug. When I went to pick her up yesterday she and another little girl had every ball out of the ball cart and were throwing them and chasing them all over! :) The best thing though is that she was nice and worn out by bedtime! :) She actually slept for 12 hours last night, which does not happen almost ever! That made it all worth missing her all day! haha
Mike started his new job yesterday and everything went really well. He said it was mostly just paperwork and safety videos but today he will actually start training with someone out on the floor. He was pretty excited...he thinks it will be a fun and interesting job.
And them I am just still grinding away at my classes!!! :) I have two pretty big exams on Friday so everyone pray for me that day! I want to make sure to keep an A in my nutrition course because if I do, I am exempt from taking the final exam in that class. That means that I would be done for the semester two days earlier which means I could come home two days earlier at Christmas time...that's worth all of the extra work!
Well, just wanted to get a post on here for Ruby's birthday! We miss everyone and can't wait to get home for a visit in October!!! Love you guys!!!
Al, Mike, and Ruby

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