Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Hey all! We have had another relatively normal week. We are all back in the swing of things after mine and Ruby's trip back to Ohio. Ruby is having to get used to daycare again though! She was definitely not pleased the first few days that I dropped her off, but today and yesterday she just got down and played right away without crying and screaming when I left. That makes for a much happier start to our days. I always feel awful walking out on her when she's crying!!! Mike...once again! out of taking Ruby for another shot this week! She had to go get the other half of her flu vaccine, and as soon as she hit the crinkly paper on the exam table she just lost it. You could almost see all of the memories of the doctor's office come flooding back to her. I made sure the schedule her next check up at a time when daddy can be present! :)
Not a whole lot is happening here though. One of our cars broke down yesterday...what's new?! The drama of life never stops happening at our house! haha So Mike is walking to work for a few days until we go buy a new battery for the car. And don't worry...before you feel too bad....he just has to walk across the street to get to work.
As far as school goes...I have another exam and quiz tomorrow (Nutrition and A&P) and today in my Drawing class I matted my work for a student art exhibit that begins next week. Pretty exciting! I did a graphite drawing of a picture that Mike took of Ruby's feet on the day she was born. I will have to remember to take a picture of it and post it on Flickr. It turned out awesome and I can't wait to bring it home and hang it up. Other than that, nothing is really happening here.
I did post some pictures from Ruby's first trick-or-treat on Flickr (she dressed up as Snow White this year). She gets to dress up for school tomorrow for a parade at her daycare and then we are heading over to Hutchinson (to meet up w/ Mike's family) so all three girls can go trick-or-treating. Ruby gets to rake Mommy and Daddy in some candy!!! :)
Hope all is well with everyone else! We miss you all!
Mike, Al, and Ruby

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Back from Ohio... :(

Well...back to our normal schedule. We had such a great visit home this last weekend! It was so awesome to see everyone and just be back home for a few days (even though I feel like I barely got to see everyone!!). We got to go to Ikea with Grandma and Papa...we finally have some knives now! haha....I know that is just so exciting right?! We also at least got to say hello to most of the family in the area. It will be a lot better at Christmas time when we don't have to rush around to make sure we see everyone and can actually take our time to visit!
I'm back in the swing of things at school. Anatomy quiz tomorrow already! Gotta love it! :) I got my midterm grades back and have a 4.0 so far this semester. Obviously I am very happy with that and hopefully I can maintain that throughout the rest of the semester.
Mike got moved around at his job last week. He was building the radiators and engines for the combines and his boss moved him to a different area of the assembly line. Now he is actually mounting the engine onto the combine and hooking up all of the hoses and stuff...I know nothing about engines or anything related to them! But he is really liking this area too so that's all that matters.
Then there's little miss Ruby! She was definitely not excited about getting back to her normal schedule Wednesday morning bright and early at 6:30!!! She screamed like crazy when I dropped her off at daycare and then they said she actually ended up taking about a 3.5 hour long nap that day!! She was so used to sleeping in all weekend while we were in Ohio! She was mad again this morning when I dropped her off but when I went to pick her up she actually didn't want to come with me :).
Other than that, nothing exciting is happening around here. Ruby is coloring with her bath crayons with daddy as we speak...she loves anything that she thinks is messy!
So now I am missing Ohio once again and re-counting down the days until we're back again. Some days it starts to feel really heavy and depressing to be this far from everyone I am so close to but I know that in the long run this is going to be so much better for us. I just try to keep thinking in days instead of years or months and that seems to help somewhat. We miss everyone we are away from and can't wait to see everyone again! Love ya!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's been awhile....sorry!

Hey everybody! I know I haven't written for's been busy around here between school/work/daycare/etc. Mike is still liking his job, especially since he's gotten his first paycheck now! :) It was a big relief to finally get to not waiting for that check. We can finally get our finances back to normal. School is also going really great. I got a 98 on my last anatomy test, which I was obviously very excited about! So, I am still holding a steady A in all of my classes. Also, I am LOVING my Intro to Drawing class. It has been a huge stress reliever in between my other classes. Plus I love my art teacher....she is very cool and funny and just let's us go with the flow. No deadlines or boring projects! :)
Ruby has also been doing pretty good. She has had a rough few weeks though. About three weeks ago she started waking up screaming a lot at night so we took her in to the doctor. We found out that she had a double ear infection and she was put on amoxicillin. She seemed to feel a little better for a few days after that, but then she started spiking fevers again about a week later and waking up again at night. So, we got her back into the doctor again only to find out that the amoxicillin never worked and she still had a double ear infection. She had to get an antibiotic injection that day and then they put her on a new antibiotic. Well, as if that wasn't enough for her to go through, about two days after starting her new antibiotic she broke out in hives all over and we had to head back to the doctor AGAIN! She had an allergic reaction to the 2nd antibiotic and is now on round three. The poor thing, I think she is ready for things to just get back to normal
On a better note....WE'RE COMING HOME IN ABOUT A WEEK!!!! WE CAN'T WAIT!!! Ruby and I will be flying home next Thursday. Blake tells us everytime we talk to him that he is picking us up at the airport in grandma's van. He has been saving Ruby a seat in van since we left! I am just so excited to get home and see everyone. The move has been hitting me here and there more often now that things are settling in around here. Little things just remind me of how much I miss home. But it will be so much sweeter when I can move back that way AS A NURSE! Can't wait until that day!
Well, that's all for now. Hopefully see some of you soon! Love you all!!