Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's Been Awhile!

Hey all! I know I know...I haven't written in FOREVER!!! Between school and the holidays everything has been madness! :) But the semester is almost over and I cannot wait for a little break and time to get to Ohio again and see everyone! Yay!!!! So...what has happened since last time I wrote? Hmm...Mike is still liking his job on most days. It's hard work (ten hour days six days a week!) but he says it's at least not boring work. I am still chipping away at school. I have about two and a half weeks left until Christmas break. I got my first B on an exam in Anatomy...woe is me! haha I guess I can live with that...but I still want an A in that class!!! Ruby got ANOTHER ear infection two weeks ago and her doctor told us that we are going to just have to bite the bullet and accept that she needs tubes put in her ears. I am not completely sold but I know that it is painful for her to keep going through this. I just do not like the idea of her being put under anesthesia. She's just a baby (my baby!) and it just seems too dangerous! So, probably right around the beginning of the year...once Mike's insurance has kicked in and everything has settled down, Ruby will be having surgery (albeit minor!) to have tubes placed in her ears. The even cruddier part is that they perform the surgeries on weekdays and schedule them according to the patients age (the youngest patients go first for the day). That means that Mike will not be able to go with me to take Ruby for it. I am not pleased with that and it makes me even more nervous. I will most likely be having to recruit one of his parents or someone because I cannot do that alone!!!
Other than that, things are going pretty well here. We miss everyone back around Ohio and the home area! I will probably forget to post again until after Christmas so don't be surprised if the next title is "Happy New Year!". Talk again soon!!! Bye!